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A Happy New Year to All.

Dec 312012

Well once again it is that time for celebrations, time spent with family, fun filled occasions and lots of loving and joy.

This is a tiny blog for the end of the year and I simply wish to say to all of my readers and wonderful clients, HAPPY NEW YEAR.

May 2013 be filled with adventures and expansion for you.

For myself, 2013 brings about travel and business expansion. I have been visualising this journey for quite some time now and in a few months it shall be turning into reality. I am off to Africa in April on a 21 day adventure including safaris, sitting with the Silver Back Gorillas in Uganda and then finally I will be going to an island called Zanzibar, just off the coast of Africa where I plan to relax by the ocean and do not much.

This year I bought on board a Social Media person, Kelly and I would like to say to her thank you for your support. Kelly has been able to bring out my business into the social media world and is wonderful with my now monthly news letters. I would also like to thank Tim who does my photography, Wally who this year created my beautiful website Blissrising, Matt for all of the copywriting, and two wonderful SEO men, Michael and Doron. Without everybody mentioned here Blissrising would not and could not function, my heartfelt appreciation to everybody.

So once again, may everyone have a blissful 2013, love to all and I shall see you in the New Year.

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